To improve the lives of the abused and neglected children in Lincoln County, NC.
Who We Are & What We Do:
We are a group of community volunteers serving Speak Up For Children, Inc. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization registered in North Carolina. We raise funds and solicit in-kind donations to provide for the unmet needs of abused and neglected children in Lincoln County, and we support the Guardian ad Litem program by assisting in volunteer recruitment and education.
Why We Are Here & Who We Serve:
Each year dozens of Lincoln County’s children are removed from their homes and placed under DSS custody as the result of abuse or neglect. Each child is assigned a volunteer advocate called a Guardian ad Litem (GAL). These children often have many unmet needs, such as clothes, shoes and help with school related activities. We help to provide hope and a sense of normalcy in their disrupted lives.

To help every child
represented by the Lincoln
County Guardian ad Litem Program.
How You Can Help:
Donate or Volunteer!
You can make a difference in a child’s life! All donations are tax deductible and will benefit the children of Lincoln County who are involved in DSS Family Court. If you are interested in volunteering for events and/or fundraisers, please contact Donna Scates at 704-735-8786 or donna.scates@ssnc.cpa
If you are interested in becoming a GAL, please contact Ann Killian at 704-742-7821 or [email protected].
