👟👟6th Annual 2024 Fall Shoe Project👟👟

This year Donna Scates, treasurer of Speak Up for Children, delivered athletic shoes and socks for 68 Lincoln County Foster children to Jason Hughes, foster care supervisor.
This project is in addition to the normal grants for the children’s unmet needs such as tutoring, clothing, summer camps, and other miscellaneous needs.
Thank you to everyone who contributes to help us continue to “Make a Difference” in a Lincoln County foster child’s life.
You can make a contribution by mailing a check to:
2817 E Hwy 27
Lincolnton, NC 28092
Or by calling (704)735-8786 to make a contribution by phone
#help #donate #nonprofit #childrenscharity
👟👟👟2019 Fall Shoe Project👟👟👟

This year our board voted to buy our Lincoln County foster children name brand tennis shoes. Thank you so much to Big Dog/Walking Company who donated all the men and women’s size shoes. Their donation allowed us to buy packs of socks for each child as well!
I also want to thank my amazing staff for always jumping in and helping with whatever is needed to make every project a success!!! The results were amazing! Thank you to Store Supply Warehouse for the awesome bags and so generously “gifting” us the updated version of our logo! Thanks to Charlie Bohlen and all the foster care social workers for their assistance with the delivery. There will be 86 happy children with “happy” feet!!!
Supplying Free Books to Our Foster Children

Pictured is one of two bookcases that were placed in the LIncoln County DSS visitation rooms. Labels in the new books acknowledge that they were purchased with a grant to SUFC from the Community Foundation. The foundation grant also paid for the bookcases. Additional books, previously purchased by SUFC, added to the collection.
The children are encouraged to keep a book if they so desire. A lot of these children have never owned a book of their own😢
Also shown is a picture of the free library at the DSS playground which was financed, built and installed by an Eagle Scout candidate under the supervision of Rick Ayers, a scout leader in Denver. Charlie Bohlen, president of SUFC , also obtained some used books from the Rotarians as well. These books were put in the free library. These books are free to anyone to take. Donations of used books put directly into the book house are always welcome. Some children were seen looking through the books and enjoying them as they sat at the picnic tables.
Thanks Charlie for all your hard work, securing the grant and seeing the project to fruition!!!
2018 Kids to YMCA Camp

Jill Eaddy deserves a huge “Thank You”! for getting 28 kids ready for two weeks of YMCA camp. She purchased and packed all the bags ready to do 2 weeks of YMCA camp! That means we will have 28 foster/kinship placement kids attending camp. SUFC is providing transportation for those who could not otherwise attend. Each bag contains a towel, cap, sunscreen, bug spray, water bottle and plastic bag for wet bathing suits. Everything is labeled with the child’s name. We are also providing 2 snacks for each day, that’s 560 snacks! The only thing the child has to bring is a swim suit and a change of clothing. The Lincolnton YMCA is also providing breakfast and lunch!!! Thanks to the SUFC board and all our volunteers who helped with our fundraising and made this possible😊

On Thursday, October 22, 2015 Speak Up For Children, Inc dedicated the playground/visitation envisioned and constructed for use by the Lincoln County foster children and their families. Our goal was to provide a more normal atmosphere for the children to visit with their parents and siblings.
Charlie Bohlen lead the dedication and acknowledged all the hard work and many hours of service that the volunteers put into making the playground a reality and according to Ermadeen Hoyle, in record time!!!
Special recognition was given to Jill Eaddy who spearheaded the project, Al Mullen and the Lutheran Men of Western NC for their assistance with the construction of the arbors. Also to Michael Oten, architect who transformed our vision to a viable, user friendly design. Ermadeen Hoyle was very instrumental in providing guidance on navigating the county inspection requirements. Lowes Home Improvement Store was recognized for supplying all the necessary construction materials at a very low cost which allowed us to complete the project.
Last but not least all the companies, individuals, and organizations who contributed to help fulfill our vision!!! Durning the latter part of November a plaque will be displayed to acknowledge all the people who worked so hard and contributed monetarily to make this project a success!!!